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Bento type scale organizes styles into five roles, semantically named to describe their purposes:

  • Display: reserved for short, important text or numerals. Usually, they work best on large screens.
  • Headline: best suited for short, high-emphasis text. These styles can be suitable for marking primary text passages or important content regions.
  • Title: used to divide secondary text passages or content regions.
  • Body: used for longer passages of text and paragraphs.
  • Label: utilitarian styles used for text inside of components or very small supporting text in the content body, like captions.


You can use any of the typography components like this:

Font weight

All typography components support a single (configurable) font weight, with the exception of Body, which has two weights: "default" and "strong".

"default" is the default weight, and "strong" is a heavier weight that can be used to emphasize certain parts of the text.


All typography components support an optional ellipsis prop (defaulted to false), which causes the text to be truncated with an ellipsis when it overflows its container.

This feature uses standard CSS, so the truncation will be accessible (the entire text is still visible in the DOM node) and standard browser feature work as expected (e.g. try copy-pasting the truncated text and you'll see you'll get the full text).

Semantic HTML

All typography components render as <span> by default. This behavior can be customized using the optional as prop.

For example, you may want to render Body as a <p>:

Another example is using Title as a <h2>:

Localization and rich formatting

Typography components accept either a LocalizedString (see Type-safe localization) or a complex React Node as children.

If you need rich formatting, you can typically rely on the localization library you are using to create a React children node.

For example, if you are using react-i18next, you can use the Trans component to create a React node:

<Body size="medium">
<Trans i18nKey="My.Localization.Key" />

where the string matching My.Localization.Key can be along the lines of Hello <b>World</b>!

You can read more about Trans component in the official react-i18next documentation